Tuesday, May 10, 2011

"Everybody Who is Dead," Frank Stanford

Today's poem: "Everybody Who is Dead," by Frank Stanford

Today's action list:

1. Write one reading log. Only two logs a week needed now.

2. Complete your draft for tomorrow.


  1. Frank Stanford's "Everybody Who is Dead" is a creepy poem. This "man" knows someone else is about to kill him, but doesn't do anything to prevent it. He still manages to love his wife and children and go to the barber. Honestly, I am not sure what happens at the end but maybe the barber kills him. It is extremely weird how Frank Stanford committed suicide and a lot of his poetry is about death. I researched him after this poem was recited and Mr. Hill told his how he committed suicide. The source said he actually went to a psychiatry unit which indicates he thought about committing suicide before. Frank Stanford's life and poetry are so similar that it is creepy.

  2. Frank Standford had some deep routed issues, which shows in his poetry. He killed him self at the age of 30 by shooting himself three times in the heart. His poem Everybody Who is dead uses accepting and creepy language to display a man's accepting of death. The man lets another "man shave him." This shows that he will be freshly shaved so the undertaker doesn't have to do it. It seems like he wants to death to come as he puts on a "black suite" waiting for the demon to come take him. This poem disturbs me because it is written by such a young author, at this point in his life he shouldn't be accepting death.

  3. The poem relates death to a man looking for another man. He states that men knowing their death is coming do not run from it but face it and take the intiate to prepare themselves for death. I see the man in the poem conceding himself to death. When running from you problems may not solve anything, trying to solve the problems is better than believing your problems are an unescapable fate. You don't find solutions focusing on the problem but by looking for answers.

  4. This poem is very odd and takes a different direction then I expected when I first read it. You would think that the speaker would run away or face the person who was looking for him but instead he cleans up and goes to the barber shop. It seems very random. Also there is a large mystery when it comes to what the special lotion is?
