On your own, using any of this semester's daily poems that you have liked, carry out the same diction exercise that we conducted last week.
(a) List the 8-10 words that strike you as most representative of the poem's diction.
(b) Characterize each of the four elements of diction, listing at least two adjectives to describe each element.
Be creative with how you describe each element. For example, if the language is concrete, you might, depending on the language, describe it as "crunchy," "bold," or even "brittle." You get to decide.
(c) Draft a full claim that uses 2-3 of the adjectives you came up with and then completing the right side using the class tone sheet.
C)Jim Moor's "You are Human", has an unrestricted reality of illusions that alludes to an imaginative exaltation of scenarios that are too righteous to be legitimate. --MADEASY