Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Amanda's Poem for Wednesday, 2.9.11

Winter by Walter de la Mare
Clouded with snow
The cold winds blow,
And shrill on leafless bough
The robin with its burning breast
Alone sings now.

The rayless sun,
Day's journey done,
Sheds its last ebbing light
On fields in leagues of beauty spread
Unearthly white.

Thick draws the dark,
And spark by spark,
The frost-fires kindle, and soon
Over that sea of frozen foam
Floats the white moon.


  1. This poem has a very good description of winter. It is also very relevant to the kind of weather we are having today. Mainly, it just describes different settings and details of winter throughout the day. It mentions winter during the day and during the night. The most interesting aspect is the simplicity yet detailed features in Winter.

  2. I really like the detail description of winter. When reading the poem I recall childhood memories of playing with friends on a snow day in the freezing cold under a dark shadow of clouds. My favorite lines are "Over that sea of frozen foam Floats the white moon." I have watch the moon in the cold air many nights and find my self being mesmerized by the sight.

  3. I like how this poem talks about winter and brings about your inner childhood with the feelings of sledding and building snow forts. Although I have a more abstract liking towards poems. I do like this one, I really enjoy the rhyme scheme of the poem. I'd have to say that my favorite lines in this poem are "Over that sea of frozen foam Floats the white moon" (agreeing with KG). I like the mental images this poem gives you. Overall, It is a nice and smooth poem.

  4. This poem reminds me a lot about winter in how it talks about the snow and how cold it is. Also how the sun is not fully seen. I also like where is talks about the robin singing alone because that reminds me about how the birds all migrate to the south during winter. This ppoem gives a lot of mental imgages about winter.

  5. This poem speaks to me in a delicate tone. Specifically, the poem gives majestic descriptions of nature. My favorite part of the poem would be the second stanza when the author describes the immense beauty of sunlight. I can picture the incredible sight of sunlight touching the ground after reading the author's fantastic imagery.

  6. I feel like the poem gives me a sense of cold loneliness that comes with winter and how little life is present such as the robin. I think this may be why during winter its so hard to hold a relationship together, eh? it gives me a sense that everything is very brittle and cold as well.
