Monday, February 14, 2011

"Animals, " by Frank O'Hara


Have you forgotten what we were like then
when we were still first rate
and the day came fat with an apple in its mouth

it's no use worrying about Time
but we did have a few tricks up our sleeves
and turned some sharp corners

the whole pasture looked like our meal
we didn't need speedometers
we could manage cocktails out of ice and water

I wouldn't want to be faster
or greener than now if you were with me O you
were the best of all my days


Why "an apple in its mouth"?
Why are the corners described as "sharp"?
Why "cocktails out of ice and water?"
What it the deal with "Time" here?
Does it matter to the poem that O'Hara was gay?
Who do you think he is talking to?


  1. I love the mental allusions this poem is trying to give to the reader. My favorite allusion, about the apple. The apple symbolizing a plump pig whom is ready to be feasted on. Think about how O'hara was gay makes me think he wrote this for a partner or maybe just talking to the idea of love itself.

  2. To the question What is the deal with "Time" here?
    Maybe Frank and the person he was writing this poem to didn't have a lot of time together. Maybe Franks lover was sick and dying. And he said there was no use worrying about it because there was nothing they could do about it. They are just living life and loving each other day by day.

  3. I feel that the "time" references shows how love is timeless, but it also is set on a clock since everyone dies. This unsure state of time I feel allows this poem to become closer to each reader and can create a more personal reaction to the poem.

  4. I feel like there is an apple in the mouth because it alludes to the image of a dead pig with an apple in its mouth. It is comparing the day to a feast because it is enjoyable and desirable to spend their day together.

  5. When O'hara states that turning "sharp" corners, I think of maybe the person he is directing the poem to, they may of had some significant events that may of been good or bad that happened in there life, and they affected them both. I also feel like they knew each other head to toe emotionally because the word "we" is powerful and used allot.

  6. I believe that the corners were desciribed as sharp to show tough times. Unsharp/ rounded off corners represent softter, easy going times; therefore, I think sharp corners are a direct contrast to that.

  7. I like this poem, I like the line about making cocktails out of ice and water. I think that shows how simple their life was. I don't think it matters that O'hara was gay because love is love, no matter who with.

    ...i commented this earlier on 'the word' by accident..oops

  8. In this poem O'hara is remembering the time when he was younger or "first rate." When he didn't care about time. He also says that he wishes that his love could still be with him like back in the days of his youth. This poem suggests that O'hara is lonley becaue his true love is not with him.

  9. The apple is an offering. Time is a regret. Gay or not gay, love is the same. Sharp corners and cocktails means let's party.
