Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday's Poem: "Once Upon a Time"

Tuesday's Poem: "Once Upon a Time"

Comments here. The poem should be in your poetry journals.

Why no chords? Why the white keys? Why the Mediterranean?


  1. Jack Gilbert chooses the Mediterranean Sea as an aspect in his poem because it adds beauty and complexity to his poem. It would not as significant if he used Lake Michigan or any other body of water. He is probably implying the pure beauty in this time.

  2. This poem is defiantly on of my favorites that we have read so far. It is very descriptive and hepls you really get lost in it. The words like intensity and sweetness help convey those emotions. The line that says " we were a music composed of a melody.." is awesome! I am a singer and the melody in a piece of music is the part that stands out to the listeners and is the prettiest part of the song. I think the author uses that line to show the beauty and power of their love. I also love the line about excitement being love, because love is so exciting and fun.

  3. Jack Gilbert uses various metaphors throughout the poem. He says "A shape without form," possibly saying that they were there without any limitations. They are shapes that aren't confined to a specific formed. He is talking about how it used to be once upon a time.

    Additionally, in the poem Gilbert says "the sun came out of the Mediterranean fresh every morning." He was implying the natural beauty of the Mediterranean Sea. The sun shines over the Mediterranean Sea every morning. Its a natural, beautiful thing, just like how the felt the "sweetness of our bodies" were.

  4. I love how Jack Gilbert he says "we were a music". The line is so strong maybe meaning that the two together flow, and make each other a complete beet or lyric in the sense that maybe with out each other there song will never be completed.

  5. I believe Jack Gilbert decided to use only white keys to describe all happiness versus darkness and sadness. Gilbert wanted to describe a happy, innocent time in life without the pain of sadness. The black keys most likely represented the darkness a person feels from depressed feelings. White keys represented happy, joyful times in a person's life. His main focus was on the joyful times in life; therefore, he said there was only white keys in the music Gilbert described in his poem, "Once Upon a Time."
