Monday, March 14, 2011

"The Journey," Josh B.

They say it’s all about the journey, I used to disagree.
Because I loved the destination but now I start to see
That when I finally get there, I think about the time
When we outsang the radio and thought we sounded fine.
The many fights that made Dad say, “I’ll turn this thing around!”
And how easy we’d make him laugh to calm him right back down.
The countless times we took a stop to stretch our legs were great,
Because space can get pretty tight when the car is packed with eight.
We all took turns to close our eyes and have a little nap
Or listen to whoever drives get lost and blame the map.
Oh how I love it in the car when we’re all having fun
So how I hate when we arrive and all of that is done.
Next to the pool, with earphones in, those times I can’t recall
But memories of getting there always do stand tall.
So Destination, here we are, but not as a family.
And as for me, I now agree, it’s all in the journey.


  1. The pom flows very nicely making the reading easy. I enjoy the plain and comforting language that implies the joy one can receive from a simple car ride with their family. taking time "to stretch" your "legs" can make someone feel great and simple conversations in the car are fun. I enjoy going on trips with my family and i believe that this poem conveys that a simple carride with your family can put you in the best of moods.

  2. I like how the poem relates to experiences everyone with siblings has had like "The many fights that made Dad say, 'I'll turn this thing around'" it gives the idea that life is moving through this poem at the results of this movement is that change of the belief held by the speaker from line is about the destination to it is about the journey. I agree that life is about the journey because how we deal with bumps in the road helps define us, and no point in our lives can be worth more that all of the memories our past has given us. I think the speaker learned this too in the line: "But the memories of getting there always do stand tall."

  3. This poem reminds of the many long car rides m y family and I went on. I think the car ride resembles the path of life because there are many bumps along the way. Those bumps are usually remembered very well. When you get to the desired destination you will remember what it took to get there. Overall a very good poem.
