Wednesday, March 9, 2011

"Love Song," Carol Muske-Dukes

Love Song

Love comes hungry to anyone’s hand.
I found the newborn sparrow next to
the tumbled nest on the grass. Bravely

opening its beak. Cats circled, squirrels.
I tried to set the nest right but the wild
birds had fled. The knot of pin feathers

sat in my hand and spoke. Just because
I’ve raised it by touch, doesn’t mean it
follows. All day it pecks at the tin image of

a faceless bird. It refuses to fly,
though I’ve opened the door. What
sends us to each other? He and I

had a blue landscape, a village street,
some poems, bread on a plate. Love
was a camera in a doorway, love was

a script, a tin bird. Love was faceless,
even when we’d memorized each other’s
lines. Love was hungry, love was faceless,

the sparrow sings, famished, in my hand.


  1. I really like this poem and the way it flows. The poem focus on love can be anywhere and in anything. I like the line when it says, "love was faceless." I think that this means love isn't describable and can overcome someone at any moment. I believe that the poem is conveying that the bird and the man are connected to each other and have formed a bond of love.

  2. Muske-Duke's continuous repetition of language, specifically love, alludes to several different images of the concept. For example, the author's description of love as "a script, a tin bird" alludes to the basic motions and motivations of love. The author refers to the same outline every love relationship contains. The author's description of "a blue landscape" shows the calmness of love. Love seems to be a concept in life that is smooth and beautiful. Overall, the author's dainty and gorgeous images of love refers to the same concept that has been reiterated to society concerning the theme of love itself.

  3. This is a sad peom becasue it talks about a bird falling out of the nest and the person is trying to do what they can to Then it goes on to talk about her boyfriend and the love they shared. The poem aslo talks about how love is faceless meaning we can't define love, because love is differnet for everyone.
